Minute Psalms

Take a minute to bring God into your day through these ancient prayers. 8 séances1Psalm 6: DistressTurn to the Lord and appeal Him for His mercy as you pray this penitential psalm.Minute Psalm2 min 2Psalm 13: LamentCry out to God for help in times of loneliness and sorrow as you pray with psalm of lament.Minute Psalm1 min 3Psalm 46: ProtectionFind comfort in this psalm that reassures us of God's strength and protection.Minute Psalm1-2 min 4Psalm 67: PetitionTake a break in your day with this psalm of thanks and petition. We will ask God to look upon us and bless us.Minute Psalm1 min 5Psalm 88: AnguishWith this psalm of lament, give voice to your pain, loneliness, and distress.Minute Psalm3-4 min 6Psalm 91: RefugeTake refuge in God's protection and pray this psalm when you need God's help and strength.Minute Psalm2-3 min 7Psalm 100: ThanksgivingGive glory to God with this psalm of grateful praise.Minute Psalm1 min 8Psalm 130: SorrowCall out to God from the depths of your heart with this psalm of lament.Minute Psalm1 min