A collection of short prayers by some of the Church's most inspiring saints.
5 sesiones
1Make Me An InstrumentPray with the famous prayer of peace attributed to St. Francis of Assisi.St. Francis of Assisi2 min
2You Are His BodyBe inspired as you pray with a poem-prayer attributed to St. Teresa of Avila.St. Teresa of Avila1 min
3Peace WithinFind God's peace as you meditate on this poem-prayer written by a British poet who reflects on the spirituality of St. Therese.St. Therese of Lisieux1 min
4Holy RestFind holy rest with this short and beautiful prayer by St. John Henry Newman.St. John Henry Newman1 min
5Morning PrayerBegin your day with this prayer from St. Therese of Lisieux, offering your actions for the intentions and glory of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.St. Therese of Lisieux1 min