Prayer Personality Type: Harmonious

Hallow App Prayer Personality Harmonious

You desire to live a simple life, and you enjoy being free and led by the Spirit. You see all of life as a gift and all creatures as united in Christ, and especially enjoy using all of your senses to experience the world. When you read the Bible, you are most drawn to the humanity of Jesus in the Gospels, and you encounter Jesus in the world today through the poor and marginalized.

How to Pray: 

Because you experience the world through your senses, try connecting this to your prayer, whether through praying as you walk outside, lighting a candle before prayer, praying with music, or sitting and gazing at the Blessed Sacrament or a Crucifix. Though you are drawn to free-form meditation, you also enjoy some structure to your prayer, whether it is a traditional prayer, a series of reflection questions, or a Gospel passage. You use this structure as a jumping off point to guide your open-ended conversation with God. And through this conversation with God, you are given the guidance and strength to then serve others.

Try in Hallow:

Hallow Lectio Divina Illustration
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Daily Gospel – encounter Jesus and get to know him through praying with Scripture.

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Works of Mercy Challenge – because you see all people as made in God’s image and united as the Body of Christ, pray for those who suffer in our world and be challenged in ways to serve.

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Letting Go Praylist – you are drawn to the simple life, but sometimes it can be hard to let go of worry and our own wills. 

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Meditation – try the Daily, Unguided, or choose from a praylist. Set aside time to be quiet with God.

Saints who had this prayer personality: St. Francis of Assisi, St. Katherine Drexel

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