Hallow brings back popular ‘Saints in 7 Days’ series
Catholic News Agency
Are you ready for Lent?
Have you considered Daily Mass?
Diocese of Paterson
Hallow: Prayer and Meditation
Will you accept the Hallow #Pray25 Advent Challenge?
Our Sunday Visitor
Finding God in all apps
America, The Jesuit Review
Is It Okay To Fall Asleep While Praying?
Dome Dozen 2019 Honoree: Alex Jones ’15
University of Notre Dame
Hallow: The Best Catholic Prayer App
The Catholic Talk Show
Catholic prayer, meditation app Hallow sees spike in popularity
New Prayer and Meditation App
Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation
Catholic prayer and meditation? There’s an app for that
Sunday Examiner
CCI Radio Hour: Aug. 17, 2020
Catholic Conference of Illinois
Catholic prayer, meditation app Hallow sees huge increase in popularity
Catholic News Service
Life On The Rock
Hallow Meditation App is All Catholic
National Catholic Register
Is it Okay to Meditate as a Catholic
Catholic Gentleman
App Let’s God ‘Hallow Our Lives’
Our Sunday Visitor
Quitting Our Jobs to Follow Our Callings
Indie Hackers
Catholic Prayer and Meditation App
This is the Day
Notre Dame Day Interview with Alessandro
Notre Dame Day 2019
New Catholic Meditation App Breaches Secular Digital Market
The Diocese of Harrisburg
This App Guides You in Prayerful Meditation
Grotto Network
Alex Jones and Hallow
Lisa Hendey & Friends
Meditation for Catholics
Catholic Mom
Praying Well: Hallow App Review
Mike St. Pierre
Using the Hallow App in Our Homeschools
The Homeschooling Saints Podcast

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