Join Mark Wahlberg and Jonathan Roumie on Hallow, the #1 prayer app
Try Hallow for FreeLet God bring you His peace with the Calm Praylist, Daily Meditation, Rosary, and Sleep Bible Stories.
Choose from 10,000+ sessions, guides, and music options to lead you into relationship with Christ.
Build a real habit of prayer every day by setting a routine that works for your schedule.
Hallow helps keep me focused on my devotional, prayer life, reminds me I have this work as part of what shapes my internal world and life when I live in a secular world even on my phone.
Jan 4I went to commit suicide and had a miracle in the confessional. Hallow was there guiding me to this miraculous encounter that healed my depression. It’s been my guide to staying focused in my prayer life.
Dec 12, 2024I’ve always wanted to have a structured prayer life but I didn’t know where to start. Once I found Hallow, I found the solution.
Dec 19, 2024Hallow has been more than just an app; it has been a lifeline, a teacher, and a companion on my spiritual journey.
Dec 31, 2024Hallow has impacted my quality of sleep and therefore my quality of life.
Sep 5, 2024I am a cradle Catholic, and never has any resource transformed my prayer life like Hallow.
Aug 8, 2024Hallow came into my life when I was unable to attend mass or adoration due to circumstances out of my control. I turned to Hallow to fill the void and to seek some solace and continue in my faith journey when the usual avenues were not available. I cannot share Hallow enough!
Jul 31, 2024"We must overcome ourselves every single day. We must offer up both great and small things for love."
The Beatitudes was prayed