54 Day Novena $10K Donation Challenge

54-Day Novena Launch

We’re incredibly excited to launch, this year, our 54 Day Rosary Novena Group Challenge: any in-app group that has the all of their group members complete the 54 Day Novena will be entered for a chance to receive a $10,000 donation to the parish or non-profit of their choice. 

What is the 54 Day Novena?

This novena originated in the late 19th century and is attributed to a girl in Naples, Italy who had been suffering from an illness that was thought to be incurable. After asking Mary for help, the Blessed Mother taught her this prayer and she was miraculously healed. To this day, Catholics around the world continue to pray this novena to seek help from our Mother. For more insight into what the 54 Day Novena is and how to pray it, visit hallow.com/54-day-novena.

We know this is a long novena, and praying a Rosary every day is a big commitment. St. Thérèse of Lisieux (on whose feast day we begin this novena!) often struggled with the Rosary. But, she said: “I think that the Queen of heaven, since she is my mother, must see my good will and she is satisfied with it.”

We hope you’ll join us. And together, we’ll pray as best we can, in the hope that through our prayers, we’ll grow closer to Jesus through Mary.

The 54 Day Rosary Novena begins Friday, October 1st.

What is the challenge?

When this novena first came up last year, we heard countless stories of folks who had tried to complete it in the past, only to fall off after a week, or even a month into the challenge. Upon completing the challenge, one thing we heard consistently was that praying everyday with a group brought the additional accountability needed to pray the entire novena (which, for many of our users, was their first successful completion of any challenge this long). Because of this, we wanted to encourage as many of you as possible to journey through this challenge with a group.

The challenge is simple: any group that’s created in the app (either through your parish, friends, family, or anything) that gets all of their group members to complete the 54 Day Novena will be entered for a chance to win a $10,000 donation to the parish or non-profit of their choice. 

While the goal would be to have as many people as possible complete each session on the day it is released, we understand that life can be unpredictable and we will not be strict in ensuring sessions are completed within the exact 24-hour period that a session is released. Nor will it count multiple times if one person completes each session two or three times. At the end of the day, any group with two or more members that has every member in its group complete all 54 Rosaries by November 15th will be entered into a chance to win a single $10,000 donation. The “leader” of the group (i.e., the user that created the group) will be the one to determine where the $10,000 is donated. The recipient of the donation can be any Catholic parish in the world, or a registered nonprofit that is aligned with Catholic values.

How do I join the challenge?

To participate in this challenge:

  1. Create a group in the app using the community (3 circles) icon in the top right of the Home tab
  2. Invite friends & family to your group (at least one other person so the group is two or more including yourself)
  3. Encourage everyone in your group to pray every day of the 54 Day Novena
  4. Any group that has every group member complete every day of the 54 Day challenge will be entered for a chance to win a $10,000 donation

If you already have a group in the app no need to create a new group, just encourage every member in your group to complete the 54 Day Novena!

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How do I edit group settings?

You can invite new members by either sharing your code or link by using the big black plus button at the bottom of the Group Details screen. If your group gets too large (more than ~10 members), you can turn off alerts by flipping the Mute Alerts setting in Group Details to on (set at off in screenshot below).

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How do I join a group?

Click on the community icon (3 circles) in the top right of the Home tab, click Join Existing Group, and enter your group’s code.

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What if I’m a free user?

You can still participate! Just join or create a group following the same steps above and have everyone in the group complete one of the free Rosaries on the app each day of the 54 Day Novena challenge. This will enter you into the chance to win in the same way that completing every day of the Novena will.

How do I share?

The best way to share is to invite your friends or family via email or text, to speak with your local priest about sharing with your local parish at mass or over email, or to share with your other faith communities (e.g., Facebook groups, bible studies).

Be sure to share the 6 digit code to join your group. Seen above on the last screen after creating a group. To look up your code, you can go into your group, click the Details screen as shown above, click the black plus button in the bottom right, and then see your code in your link. It will be the last 6 digits.

We’ve put some more details below for you to use if helpful!

Sample email or text

“I just created a group in an app called Hallow and would really love if you’d join. Hallow is a Catholic app that leads you through guided prayers and meditations like the Daily Gospel & Rosary. It’s helped me a ton to grow in my prayer life and I think you’d love it. They’re launching a new 54 Day Rosary Novena challenge and whoever gets all the folks in their group to complete it gets a chance at a $10K donation to their parish or non-profit of their choice. All you need you to do is click this link to download and then tap the community button on the top right of the Home tab and enter in our code: [YOUR SIX DIGIT CODE]”


How do I download the app and join a group?

First you have to download the app (here), then:

  • Go to the Community section (3 circle icon on the top right of the Home tab)
  • Click “Join Group” and enter in the group code: [YOUR SIX DIGIT CODE]
What is Hallow?

Hallow is a Catholic Meditation and Prayer app. It launched just over 2 years ago and is now the #1 Catholic App in the world with over 1 million downloads and an overall rating of 4.9 stars with 35,000 five star reviews. It leads you through Catholic meditation and contemplative prayer like meditations on the Daily Gospel, Saint, Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet, praylists on Calm, Humility or Letting Go, Fr. Mike’s Bible in a Year Challenge, Bishop Barron’s Sunday Sermons, challenges on the Saints or Works of Mercy, and minute meditations on Come Holy Spirit, or Jesus I trust in You. You can download it for free on the app store here.

What is a Hallow Prayer Group?

A Hallow Group is a tool in the app that we can use to create private groups with our parents, children, siblings, friends, bible studies, parishes, or all above the above 🙂 We can share prayers we complete in the app, journal reflections, and prayer intentions. After you join the group, everything you do in the app can still remain completely private. You only share what you want.

Do I have to pay for it?

Hallow is free to download, we offer many of our prayers for free, and the Hallow Group feature is free. There is the option of upgrading to Hallow Plus for $59.99 / year (or ~$5 / month) to unlock the rest of the 500+ prayers and meditations and it comes with a free 14 day trial that you can cancel any time and not get charged.

What are people saying about it?

“By far the best app on my phone.”

“I hate quoting a old, over used cliche, but I’ve been very lost. And I think for the first time in a while I maybe found.”

“A huge gift for Christians of all stripes craving a more meaningful prayer practice.”

“I went from practically not praying at all to praying twice a day.”

“I’ve felt closer to God than I ever have before”

“This is where my soul is finding peace for the very first time.”

Challenge Terms and Conditions

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54-Day Novena Launch