Novena For Life: How to Pray the Novena for Life

Image of a woman with a pregnant belly, with stars surrounding her

By: Sisters of Life

Novena For Life – Table of Contents

Pray the novena for life at any time but especially from Jan. 16-24. The intentions in this novena are from the USCCB. You can find their intentions and their 9 Days for Life novena here.

Novena for Life – Day 1

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Jesus, we ask that you pour your spirit powerfully upon our world. Please open the eyes, ears, and hearts of all to the truth of the sacredness of every human person and the unquenchable love of the Father. Cast out from us any spirit of contempt for life – of our lives or others’ lives – so that our world may experience  conversion and renewal of heart, and seek to protect the life and dignity of every unborn child and pregnant mother. Amen.

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

Novena for Life – Day 2

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint John Paul II, in Crossing the Threshold to Hope said that in the event of an abortion, “It is precisely the woman who pays the highest price, not only for her motherhood, but even more for its destruction, for the suppression of the life of the child who has been conceived. The only honest stance, in these cases, is that of radical solidarity with the woman. It is not right to leave her alone…” 

Jesus, we know that there is no sin or darkness is greater than your infinite mercy. May each heart suffering from the experience of abortion powerfully know your gaze of love upon them right now, and find forgiveness, hope, healing, and freedom in your Sacred Heart. Amen.

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

Novena for Life – Day 3

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Jesus, we pray for every woman who is considering abortion, and in a special way for those who are pregnant from acts of rape or incest. May every woman know the goodness, gift, and beauty of her own life, and so be able to receive the gift of her child’s life. May You surround her with a fortress of compassionate care, support, and understanding, so that she knows she is not alone. We ask that you open our hearts to make room for her heart. Amen.

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

Novena for Life – Day 4

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pope Francis said, “Every Family needs a father – a father who shares in his family’s joy and pain, hands down wisdom to his children, and offers them firm love and guidance.”

Jesus, we pray that men may find strength in the example of St. Joseph, who embraced the role of fatherhood amidst difficult circumstances. May each man know the gift and goodness of his own life, and be given the courage to lovingly support the mother of their children in welcoming new life. Amen.

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

Novena for Life – Day 5

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the Letter to the Romans, St. Paul says, “For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!”  it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God,  and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.”

Lord, we know that parenting and adoption are both beautiful, heroic expressions of maternal love, both full of joys and struggles. We pray that every pregnant mother who is considering adoption may receive grace and support in freely discerning the path You are calling her to. 

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

Novena for Life – Day 6

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Founder, Cardinal O’Connor commented: St. Paul says we have to exchange bitterness for love. We don’t want to let any words of malice pass our lips, any evil, anything hurtful or spiteful. How desperately this gentleness is needed! And if we’re going to pick up the pieces of this broken world, if we’re really going to show the world the sanctity of human life, it must be everybody’s life, it must be the life of the prostitute, it must be the life of the drug dealer, it must be the life of the man who tells a woman unless she has an abortion, he won’t support her. It must be the life of the doctors who make fortunes out of abortion, it must be the life of the nurses who assist, it must be the life of those in … Planned Parenthood, all sacred to God. We have to heal.” (JCOC.1. 275)

Jesus, you took upon yourself the weight of every abortion. Lord, may all who support or participate in abortion come to know You and experience a profound conversion of heart. We pray that all who support abortion will hear your voice calling their names, encounter your transforming love and, with repentant hearts, seek and receive Your infinite mercy and healing. Jesus, we know that you make all things new. We put our trust in you. Amen.

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

Novena for Life – Day 7

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From Psalm 139: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Our founder, Cardinal O’Connor, said, “No human life, nothing related to any human life can ever again be casual or small. The unborn, the frail-elderly, those dying of cancer completely vulnerable. We see in them the image and likeness of God.”

Lord, today we pray that children in their mothers’ wombs would again be protected in law, and we do penance in reparation for abortion and ask for the healing and renewal of all who have experienced abortion. May all preborn children be protected and welcomed in love. Amen.

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

Novena For Life – Day 8

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Cardinal O’Connor, our founder, said: “Somehow it seems that in God’s mysterious design He has brought each one of us into this world in order to work His wonders through us. …And that all of you have an enormous potential for even greater goodness than that which you already practice so valiantly. To underestimate you is to underestimate God, for each of you is sparked with His divinity. I see in every single one of you, whether you be strong or weak, whatever may have been your past, whatever your circumstances at the moment, I say it with deepest sincerity, that I see the reflection of the sacred, the image and likeness of Almighty God.”  

Lord, we pray for all people in positions of leadership. May those who work as public officials and civic leaders be awakened to the dignity of their role in serving the common good and their own summons to stand for the protection of all human life, in every stage and circumstance. May they encounter your gaze of love upon them, personally, and be moved to proclaim and safeguard the goodness of every life. Amen.

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

Novena for Life – Day 9

Begin with the Sign of the Cross: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On our final day of prayer together, we pray in a special way for all pro-life advocates. 

Our Founder, John Cardinal O’Connor, said: “If all the marches, all the prayers, the speeches, the encyclicals, the entire effort of each of you saved but one human life, would not the Lord of Life say to each one of us and to each individual who has ever made the effort on behalf of human life: ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant.  Receive the kingdom the Lord has prepared for you from all eternity.  For you not only fed me and clothed me, confirmed and consoled, and visited me in prison. You saved my life.’”

Lord, we pray for all who advocate and fight for a pro-life culture; may we all find strength and renewal in the Holy Spirit. Breathe upon us, that we may become radiant witnesses of Your life, love, and communion to the Church, and the world. And may we all be animated by Your love to build a culture that respects the dignity of every human person, from conception to natural death. Amen. 

  • Say the Our Father
  • 3 Hail Marys
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Close with the Prayer for Life:

Eternal Father, Source of life, open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that our love will be generous and self-giving and we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and in all people a sense of the sacredness of every human life. Inspire our efforts to protect and care for the most vulnerable; especially women who are pregnant and their unborn children, the sick, and the elderly. Strengthen us in the hope that with you nothing is impossible. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who by his Cross makes all things new. Amen. 

The Novena for Life’s intentions come from the 9 Days for Life Novena, created by the USCCB.

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