How to Pray the Pirate Prayer

Hallow App How to Pray Pirate Prayer

Ahoy, Mate! Did you know you can pray like a pirate? Learn the acronym behind the pirate prayer.

Let us pray and God will do the rest.

St. Josephine Bakhita

What is pirate prayer?

The Pirate Prayer gets its name from the acronym “ARRR.” (Like a pirate, get it?!) This acronym is a helpful guide in learning how to pray. You can pray this at any time and can do it over just a few minutes or a longer period of prayer. 

Why should we pray the pirate prayer?

Praying like a pirate (A-R-R-R) is helpful if you’re not sure how to begin your conservation with God. You might add this type of prayer into your time with God after praying Lectio Divina, the Rosary, or the Examen. Or, you might find this is a helpful acronym to pray with when you’re on the go and struggling to find time to sit still and rest with God.

When should we pray the pirate prayer?

You can pray with this acronym at any time! We offer pirate prayer in Hallow, but you can also pray with the A-R-R-R method anytime you feel like it. This prayer is particularly helpful if you’re struggling to find the “right” words as you talk with God. However, what matters is that you turn your mind towards Him and be honest with what’s on your heart and mind. God is always present — you just have to call on him!

How to pray: pirate prayer

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A – Acknowledge

Take a breath and acknowledge that God is with you and that you desire to grow closer to Him. Take stock of how you’re feeling, your thoughts, what is on your heart and mind. 

R – Relate

Share with God everything that came to mind. Be completely real with Him and don’t hold anything back, even things that might be hard to share. 

R – Receive

Now, quiet yourself and try to be open to what God says back to you. Maybe He speaks to you through a Scripture verse that comes to mind or a thought or feeling. Maybe you don’t hear anything, and that’s okay! God speaks even in silence and loves when you rest with Him there. 

R – Respond

Lastly, commit to responding to what this time of prayer revealed to you. You could feel called to continue to pray about something that came up; you could decide to take some type of action. Lastly, ask God to help you see what concrete steps you can take with His help. 

You can close your prayer with more time in silence, with an Our Father, or any prayer on your heart. 

We’d love to pray the Pirate Prayer with you on Hallow! You can find this method in Minute Reflections (2-minutes) and Sleep Meditations (for 5, 10, & 15-minute options). We also offer a guest session on pirate prayer from Christina Jaloway, author of The Evangelista!

We look forward to “ARRR” – ing with you!

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