Find God’s Peace in Prayer
Try Hallow, #1 prayer app in the world, and pray alongside millions Christians every day.
Try Hallow For FreeFind Peace. Find God.
Daily Gospel & Rosary
Choose from over 10,000+ meditations updated every day, with everything from minute meditations to holy hours.
Novenas & Litanies
Re-discover your faith with praylists & challenges on humility and calm, Saint prayers, Spanish, Homilies and more!
Sleep & Bible Stories
Close your day with Christ through a nightly Examen, or a Bible Story from Fr. Mike Schmitz or Jonathan Roumie!

"Hallow has been transformative not only for me but for so many others. There's something for EVERYONE – meditations, prayers, music, the saints – making it impossibly easy to pray more!"
Jonathan Roumie (Jesus from The Chosen)

What People are Saying
“This app has gotten me to pray every day when nothing else has. It is worth the $5 a month. After all, it is constantly being updated with new daily prayers and gospel readings. If you’re not sure, do the trial and see for yourself. I don’t think you will be disappointed.”
Take a Break. Talk to God.
Make prayer a priority. Our goal at Hallow is to help you to pray more and let God bring you His peace. Just download the app, choose a session, press play, close your eyes, and let God do the rest.