The Science of Happiness
The Science of Happiness
Join Harvard professor, Dr. Arthur Brooks, as we discover the science behind happiness from a Catholic perspective and the three key components that will help guide you there.
5 sessões
    1What is Happiness?Welcome to The Science of Happiness, a Hallow Course presented by Dr. Arthur Brooks. In this first session, Dr. Brooks explores the connection between faith & reason.Arthur Brooks21-26 min
    2Enjoyment vs. PleasureWelcome back to The Science of Happiness. In this session, Dr. Brooks explains the first of the 3 components of happiness: enjoyment.Arthur Brooks12-17 min
    3Satisfaction - Part IIn session 3, Dr. Brooks describes the neuroscience of satisfaction and why humans are always in search of it.Arthur Brooks13-18 min
    4Satisfaction - Part IIDr. Brooks continues his talk on satisfaction - and how you can achieve greater satisfaction by wanting less.Arthur Brooks21-25 min
    5The Meaning of LifeIn this final session on The Science of Happiness, Dr. Brooks discusses the meaning of meaning: coherence, purpose and significance.Arthur Brooks13-18 min