Bl. Carlo Acutis: Quotes, Prayers, Patronage

An image of Bl. Carlo Acutis with one of his most famous quotes.


  • Birth: May 3, 1991
  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Death: Oct. 12, 2006
  • Beatification: Oct. 10, 2020 by Pope Francis
  • Canonized: TBD
  • Feast Day: TBD
  • Patron of: Internet, computer programmers, youth

Early Life

Blessed Carlo Acutis was born in London, England in 1991. Not long after his birth, his family moved back to Italy.

Carlo was a typical teenager. He loved sports, video games, and computers. With his technological skills, he built an online database for Eucharistic miracles to enliven devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.

From a young age he embraced his Catholic faith, even though his parents were not particularly devout. After receiving his First Holy Communion, he went to Mass every single day, and his deep spirituality led to a renewal of faith in his mother.

Carlo used his love of computers to help share Christ with others. He created a website documenting different Eucharistic miracles around the world. 

At age 15, Carlo was diagnosed with leukemia, and he offered all of his sufferings for the Pope and the Church.

He died on October 12, 2006, and was buried in Assisi, per his wishes, because of his devotion to St. Francis.


Exactly 4 years after his death, Carlo’s mother gave birth to twins at age 44; she attributes this miracle to her son’s intercession.

Carlo Acutis is known as the “First Millennial Saint.” He reminds us that saints are not a relic of the past. We are still called to holiness and sainthood in the 21st century.

He shows us that technology can be used to bring glory to God, instead of distracting us from God. He has been called “God’s Influencer.” 

Carlo Acutis Prayers

This Carlos Acutis prayer comes from the official page for his canonization:

O God, our Father,

Thank you for giving us Carlo,

model of life for young people,

and a message of love for all.

You made him fall in love

with your Son, Jesus,

making of the Eucharist

his “highway to Heaven”.

You gave him Mary,

as beloved Mother,

and with the Rosary you made him

sing the praises of her tenderness.

Accept his prayer for us.

Attend especially to the poor,

whom he loved and helped.

Through his intercession,

through his intercession,

may I receive the grace I need…

And fulfil our joy,

by placing Carlo among the blessed

of your Holy Church,

tht his smile may shine again for us

for the glory of your name.


Carlo Acutis Quotes

“Do not be afraid because with the Incarnation of Jesus, death becomes life, and there’s no need to escape: in eternal life, something extraordinary awaits us.”

“The more Eucharist we receive, the more we will become like Jesus, so that on this earth we will have a foretaste of heaven.”

“Our goal must be infinite, not the finite. The infinite is our homeland. Heaven has been waiting for us forever.”


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