Find God. Find Peace.

Welcome to Hallow, the #1 Catholic App in the world. We are incredibly excited to have partnered with Regina Boyd, an amazing Catholic therapist and author, to help you deepen your relationship with God and strengthen your mental health. Join us in prayer today.

Try Hallow for Free
  • "I need this app. It's put quiet, prayerful time with God back in my life."
  • "I was on the brink of depression then I discovered meditation through Hallow. It's such a beautiful feeling to feel happy and whole."
  • "I love this app. After a week, I use it at least 3 times a day. I'm happier, less stressed, and more joyful."
  • "This app has brought me back to a relationship with Jesus. A month ago I was struggling very much and Hallow brought me such beautiful peace of heart, mind, and spirit!"
  • "If anyone wants to start a prayer life, this is the way to go. I went from not praying at all to praying twice a day."
  • "My experience with Hallow so far has revolutionized my prayer life."
  • Find What Works For You

    Daily Gospel & Rosary

    Choose from over 1,000+ meditations updated every day, with everything from minute meditations to holy hours.

    Mental Health Content

    Find peace in Christ with talks and meditations on managing stress & anxiety, developing healthy relationships, overcoming addictive tendencies, and much more!

    Sleep & Bible Stories

    Close your day with Christ through a nightly Examen, or a Bible Story from Fr. Mike Schmitz or Jonathan Roumie!

    "As a therapist, I recommend Hallow in my work frequently. Hallow is a high quality, faith-centric app that provides relaxation, music, meditation and also helps to improve sleep. If you are a worrier, Hallow is your app. If you are a busy person, Hallow is your app. If your faith is important to you, Hallow is your app. They have something for everyone."

    Regina Boyd, LMHC (Founder of Boyd Counseling Services)
    Our Sunday Visitor Logo Hallow App
    Aleteia Logo Hallow App
    National Catholic Register Logo Hallow App
    EWTN Logo Hallow App
    Catholic News Service Logo Hallow App
    Catholic TV Network Logo hallow App
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    What People are Saying

    “This app has gotten me to pray every day when nothing else has. It is con­stant­ly be­ing up­dat­ed with new dai­ly prayers and gospel read­ings. If you’re not sure, do it and see for your­self. I don’t think you will be dis­ap­point­ed.”

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    Take a Break. Talk to God.

    Make prayer a priority. Our goal at Hallow is to help you to pray more and let God bring you His peace. Just download the app, choose a session, press play, close your eyes, and let God do the rest.

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