Adoration, Vol. I
Adoration, Vol. I
HALLOW ORIGINAL: Join Matt Maher in praying with these five powerful modern eucharistic songs arranged and recorded exclusively for Hallow. Maher blends the original Latin lyrics with the English translations to help us enter into the songs and give thanks to God through music in a new way. All of the songs were originally written by St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century for the first celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi and have been reimagined by Maher for today's worship.
5 sesji
    1Sacris SolemnisListen and pray with a reimagined setting of this classic Eucharistic hymn by Matt Maher, which means "At this, our solemn feast, let holy joys abound."Matt Maher: Contemporary5 min
    2Panis AngelicusListen and pray with a reimagined setting of this clasic Eucharistic hymn by Matt Maher, which means "Bread of Angels."Matt Maher: Contemporary6 min
    3Adoro Te DevoteListen and pray with a reimagined setting of this clasic Eucharistic hymn by Matt Maher, which means "Jesus, God in hiding, whom I do adore."Matt Maher: Contemporary6 min
    4Pange Lingua (feat. Seph Schlueter)Listen and pray with a reimagined setting of this clasic Eucharistic hymn by Matt Maher and Seph Schlueter, which means "Sing my tongue my Savior's glory."Matt Maher: Contemporary5 min
    5The Word Descending (O Salutaris)Listen and pray with a reimagined setting of this clasic Eucharistic hymn by Matt Maher, which means "Oh saving victim, Jesus Christ."Matt Maher: Contemporary5 min