Reflect with Fr. Josh Johnson on how our imitation of Christ can bring healing to divisions within our Church and nation. Fr. Josh offers a talk and three Lectio Divina reflections to help us know Jesus and cultivate a posture of listening.
4 sessões
1Imitating Christ & Listening to HealFr. Josh Johnson shares the fruits of his prayer with Scripture and describes what happens when we imitate Jesus in listening well, even when it's inconvenient or uncomfortable. He also shares examples of how people have helped the Church on earth look more like the Church in Heaven.Talk from Fr. Josh Johnson21 min
2Jairus and the Hemorraghing WomanFr. Josh guides us through a process of Lectio Divina with Mark 5:21-43. He offers prayerful reflections and stories before we close together in a moment of contemplation.Lectio Divina Reflection20 min
3Agony in the GardenFr. Josh models Lectio Divina for us with the passage of Jesus' first command to the Apostles after their ordination (Matthew 26:36-56). We then close with a moment of silence for contemplation.Lectio Divina Reflection18 min
4The Apostles at PentecostReflecting on Acts 2:1-8, Fr. Josh contrasts the Apostles' scattering after their failure to pray in Gethsemane with their fruitfulness after committing to pray before Pentecost. He shows us how we, too, can fulfill Jesus' command to "make disciples of all nations" (Mt. 28:19).Lectio Divina Reflection18 min