St. Jerome – Feast Days, Prayers, Patronage, Quotes and More

saint jerome


  • Birth: 347 A.D.
  • Location: Stridon (Modern day Slovenia)
  • Death: 420 A.D.
  • Beatification: N/A (Before the Congregation for the Causes of Saints)
  • Canonized: N/A (Before the Congregation for the Causes of Saints)
  • Feast Day: September 30
  • Patron Saint of: librarians and translators

Early Life and Education

St. Jerome lived in the fourth and fifth centuries. He began his studies in Dalmatia, a region in Croatia, before continuing on to Rome, where he mastered the languages of Hebrew, Latin, Greek, and Chaldaic.

Much like Saint Augustine, Jerome was very worldly during his academic years and pursued many pleasures. Jerome is also well-known for being hot-tempered and engaging in heated arguments.

In 366, Jerome’s friend finally convinced him to become Christian, and he was baptized.

Road to Sainthood

Jerome lived as a hermit for 4 years, and when he emerged, he was pressured into becoming a priest to serve the troubled church of Antioch. 

St. Jerome is perhaps most famous for his translation of the Bible into Latin, called the “Vulgate.” Jerome’s translation of the Bible was a monumental undertaking. He worked on it for many years, and he consulted with many different sources. He also traveled to the Holy Land to study the original languages of the Bible. The Vulgate is a masterpiece of translation, and it is still considered to be one of the most important translations of the Bible.

He once said, “Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ,” exhorting us to read and dialogue with the living Word of God in Sacred Scripture in order to truly know Jesus.

Jerome died around 420 AD, and was named a doctor of the Church.

St. Jerome Prayers

Saint Jerome is an inspiration to all who work in the fields of librarianship, translation, and encyclopedism. He reminds us of the importance of the power of scholarship and the need to defend the truth. To increase our virtues of fortitude and faith, here is a prayer from St. Jerome:

O Lord, show Your mercy to me

and gladden my heart.

I am like the man on the way to Jericho

who was overtaken by robbers,

wounded and left for dead.

O Good Samaritan, come to my aid.

I am like the sheep that went astray.

O Good Shepherd, seek me out

and bring me home in accord with Your will.

Let me dwell in Your house all the days of my life

and praise You forever and ever with those who are there.


St. Jerome, pray for us.

St. Jerome Quotes

  • “Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best.”
  • “I am like the sick sheep that strays from the rest of the flock. Unless the Good Shepherd takes me on His shoulders and carries me back to His fold, my steps will falter, and in the very effort of rising, my feet will give way.”
  • “Be ever engaged, so that whenever the devil calls he may find you occupied.”


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